SOQL vs SQL (Key Differences and Similarities)

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Jerome Clatworthy

Certified Salesforce Administrator

If you are working with Salesforce, then you will need to use SOQL (Salesforce Object Query Language) to retrieve data from your database.

While SQL (Structured Query Language) is a widely used programming language to manage data in a database, SOQL is a language specific to Salesforce. It is important to understand the differences between SOQL and SQL to effectively work with Salesforce data.

One of the main differences between SOQL and SQL is that SOQL is exclusively used for querying the database, while SQL can be used to both query and modify data.

This means that you cannot use SOQL for operations like INSERT or UPDATE statements. Additionally, SOQL is used to retrieve data from a specific object and its related objects, while SQL can retrieve data from one or more tables, whether or not they are related.

It is important to note that while SOQL does not support all the features that SQL provides, the supported features are sufficient for many organizations to work with their data.

Understanding SQL

SQL stands for Structured Query Language, and it is a query language used to manage and manipulate data stored in a database. SQL is an ANSI (American National Standards Institute) standard, which means that it follows a set of rules and guidelines that ensure its compatibility across different databases and systems.

SQL is used to retrieve data from a database by using the SELECT statement. The SELECT statement is used to specify the columns that you want to retrieve from the database, and the FROM clause is used to specify the table from which you want to retrieve the data.

You can also use the WHERE clause to filter the data based on certain conditions.

SQL tables are used to store data in a structured format. Each table consists of rows and columns, where each column represents a field name and each row represents a record. You can join two or more tables together using the JOIN statement, which allows you to combine data from different tables into a single result set.

When querying data using SQL, you can use the SELECT clause to specify the columns that you want to retrieve, the WHERE clause to filter the data based on certain conditions, and the ORDER BY clause to sort the results. You can also use the GROUP BY clause to group the results based on a specific column.

SQL supports various data types, including numeric, string, and date/time data types. You can also use the NULL value to represent missing or unknown data.

When querying data using SQL, it is important to be selective in your queries. Retrieving too much data can slow down your system and make it difficult to work with the results. Fetching only the data that you need can help to improve performance and make your queries more efficient.

Overall, SQL is a powerful query language that is widely used in the industry to manage and manipulate data in a database. By understanding the basics of SQL, you can retrieve and manipulate data with ease and efficiency.

Understanding SOQL

SOQL, or Salesforce Object Query Language, is a query language used exclusively for querying data from Salesforce. It is similar to SQL, but with some key differences. SOQL is optimized for Salesforce’s underlying database and is used to retrieve data from Salesforce objects.

Salesforce objects are the equivalent of tables in a traditional database. They represent a specific type of data, such as accounts, contacts, or opportunities. You can query Salesforce objects using SOQL to retrieve specific records or sets of records.

SOQL uses dot notation to traverse relationships between objects. For example, if you have a custom object called “Project” that has a lookup relationship to the standard “Account” object, you can use dot notation to query the related account fields:

SELECT Name, Account.Name FROM Project__c

SOQL also supports querying custom objects and relationships between parent and child objects. You can use the “child-to-parent” relationship to query fields on the parent object:

SELECT Name, Account.Name FROM Opportunity

In addition to querying data, SOQL can also be used to retrieve metadata about Salesforce objects and fields. For example, you can use SOQL to retrieve the API name of a field:

SELECT DeveloperName FROM CustomField WHERE TableEnumOrId = 'Account' AND DeveloperName = 'My_Custom_Field__c'

There are several tools available for working with SOQL, including Salesforce Workbench and the Developer Console. These tools allow you to run SOQL queries and view the results directly in Salesforce.

Overall, SOQL is a powerful tool for querying data from Salesforce objects. It is optimized for Salesforce’s underlying database and allows you to retrieve specific records or sets of records using dot notation and relationships between objects.

Comparing SQL and SOQL Syntax

When it comes to comparing SQL and SOQL syntax, there are some similarities as well as differences. If you’re familiar with SQL, you’ll find that SOQL has many similarities in terms of syntax and structure. However, there are some key differences that you should be aware of.

SELECT Statements

Both SQL and SOQL use the SELECT statement to retrieve data from a database. However, there are some differences in how they are used. In SQL, you can use the * wildcard to select all columns from a table. In SOQL, you can use the * wildcard to select all columns, but you must use it with caution as it can cause performance issues.

WHERE Clauses

SQL and SOQL both use WHERE clauses to filter data. In both languages, you can use comparison operators such as =, <, >, and LIKE. However, SOQL also includes some additional operators such as IN, NOT IN, INCLUDES, and EXCLUDES.

Logical Operators

Both SQL and SOQL use logical operators such as AND and OR to combine conditions in a WHERE clause. However, SOQL also includes the operator NOT, which allows you to negate a condition.

Aggregate Functions

Both SQL and SOQL support aggregate functions such as COUNT, SUM, AVG, and MAX. However, SOQL also includes some additional functions such as COUNT_DISTINCT, which returns the number of distinct values for a field.


Both SQL and SOQL support the GROUP BY clause, which allows you to group data by one or more columns. However, SOQL also includes the HAVING clause, which allows you to filter data based on aggregate functions.

Order By Clauses

Both SQL and SOQL support the ORDER BY clause, which allows you to sort data by one or more columns. However, SOQL also includes the ASC and DESC keywords, which allow you to specify the sort order.

Nulls First

In SQL, you can use the NULLS FIRST or NULLS LAST keywords to control the order of NULL values in a sort. SOQL does not support this feature.

Field Types

Both SQL and SOQL support a wide range of data types, such as date, text, email, and ID. However, SOQL also includes some additional types such as NAME and TYPE.

LIKE Operator

In SQL, the LIKE operator is used to search for a pattern in a string. In SOQL, the LIKE operator is used to search for a pattern in a field.

Contains Function

SOQL includes a CONTAINS function, which allows you to search for a specific value in a field.

Overall, while there are some similarities between SQL and SOQL syntax, there are also some key differences that you should be aware of. By understanding these differences, you’ll be better equipped to work with both languages and retrieve the data you need from your databases.

Differences in Querying Objects and Tables


When it comes to querying data, there are some differences between SOQL and SQL. SOQL is a language used specifically to query data from Salesforce, while SQL is a programming language used to query and manage data in a database.

Querying Objects

In Salesforce, data is stored in the form of objects, such as accounts, contacts, and leads. SOQL is used primarily for querying the Salesforce database and retrieving the records of these objects. On the other hand, SQL is used for querying data stored in tables in a database.

Standard and Custom Objects

SOQL can be used to query both standard and custom objects in Salesforce. Standard objects are pre-built objects provided by Salesforce, such as accounts, contacts, and leads.

Custom objects are objects that you create to store information specific to your organization. SQL, on the other hand, can only query tables that have been created in a database.

Related Objects

In Salesforce, objects can be related to one another through child-to-parent and parent-to-child relationships. SOQL can be used to query related objects, such as retrieving all the contacts associated with a particular account.

SQL can also be used to query related tables, but it requires the use of joins to link the tables together.

Multiple Objects

SOQL can be used to query multiple objects at once, such as retrieving all the accounts and contacts associated with a particular lead.

SQL can also be used to query multiple tables at once, but it requires the use of joins to link the tables together.

Relationship Name

In Salesforce, each relationship between objects has a relationship name. SOQL uses the relationship name to query related objects, while SQL uses foreign keys to join related tables.

Overall, the key difference between SOQL and SQL when it comes to querying data is that SOQL is tailored specifically for querying data in Salesforce, while SQL is a more general-purpose language used for querying data in a database.

Manipulating Data in SQL and SOQL


When it comes to manipulating data, SQL and SOQL have some similarities and differences.

In SQL, you can use the INSERT statement to add new rows of data to a table. The syntax for this statement is straightforward and allows you to specify the values for each column in the new row.

Similarly, the UPDATE statement is used to modify existing rows of data in a table. You can specify which rows to update using a WHERE clause, and then set the new values for each column in the row.


In SOQL, you cannot use DML statements to modify data (update or delete). Instead, you use the Salesforce Object Query Language (SOQL) to retrieve the data and then manipulate data in the Salesforce database some other way.

SOQL has a different syntax than SQL, and it does not support the same DML statements as SQL. Instead, you can use the Salesforce API to modify data in the database.

One of the key differences between SQL and SOQL is the way they handle limits and offsets. In SQL, you can use the LIMIT and OFFSET clauses to control the number of rows returned by a query and the starting point for the results. This can be useful for pagination and other scenarios where you need to fetch data in smaller batches.

In SOQL, you can also use the LIMIT and OFFSET clauses to control the number of rows returned by a query and the starting point for the results. However, SOQL also has a feature called selective queries, which limits the number of records that can be returned by a query.

This is to prevent queries from consuming too many resources and impacting the performance of the Salesforce database.

When it comes to sorting query results, both SQL and SOQL support the ORDER BY clause. This allows you to sort the results by one or more columns in ascending or descending order.

In SQL, you can also use the GROUP BY clause to group the results by one or more columns. SOQL does not support the GROUP BY clause, but you can use the GROUP BY() method in Apex to perform similar operations.

Working with Fields and Relationships in SOQL

When working with SOQL, you can query specific fields on an object by specifying their names in the SELECT statement. For example, to retrieve the first name and last name of all contacts, you would use the following query:

SELECT FirstName, LastName FROM Contact

SOQL also supports querying fields on related objects using relationship fields. Relationship fields are fields that allow you to access data from related objects. For example, the AccountId field on the Contact object is a relationship field that allows you to access data from the related Account object.

To query fields on related objects, you use dot notation to specify the relationship field and the related object field. For example, to retrieve the name of the account associated with each contact, you would use the following query:

SELECT FirstName, LastName, Account.Name FROM Contact

SOQL also supports lookup and foreign key relationships between objects. Lookup relationships allow you to associate a record with another record on a different object. Foreign key relationships are similar to lookup relationships, but they are used to enforce referential integrity between objects.

When working with lookup and foreign key relationships, you use the __r notation to specify the relationship field. For example, to retrieve the name of the account associated with each opportunity, you would use the following query:

SELECT Name, Account__r.Name FROM Opportunity

In addition to querying fields, SOQL also supports querying on unique fields, currency fields, and fields with indexes. Unique fields are fields that contain unique values, while currency fields are fields that store currency values. Fields with indexes are fields that have been indexed to improve query performance.

SOQL also supports querying for null values using the IS NULL operator. For example, to retrieve all contacts that do not have an associated account, you would use the following query:

SELECT FirstName, LastName FROM Contact WHERE AccountId IS NULL

Overall, SOQL provides a powerful and flexible way to query data in Salesforce, with support for a wide range of fields and relationships.

Limitations and Advantages of SQL and SOQL

When it comes to querying data from databases, both SQL and SOQL have their own limitations and advantages. Here’s what you need to know:

SQL Limitations

  • Limited to relational databases: SQL is designed to work with relational databases, which means it can only be used to query data from tables that are related to each other.
  • Not optimized for Salesforce: While SQL can be used to query data from Salesforce, it’s not optimized for the platform. This means that queries may take longer to execute and may not be as efficient as SOQL queries.
  • No native support for Salesforce-specific features: SQL doesn’t have native support for Salesforce-specific features like custom objects, fields, and relationships. This means that you’ll need to write complex queries to retrieve this data.

SQL Advantages

  • Widely used: SQL is a widely used language that is supported by most relational databases. This means that if you know SQL, you can use it to query data from a variety of different databases.
  • Flexible: SQL is a flexible language that can be used to perform a wide range of operations on data, including filtering, sorting, and aggregating.

SOQL Limitations

  • Limited to Salesforce: SOQL is designed specifically for querying data from Salesforce, which means it can’t be used to query data from other databases.
  • Limited functionality: SOQL is designed to query data from Salesforce, but it doesn’t have the same level of functionality as SQL. For example, SOQL doesn’t support joins or subqueries.
  • Limited to 50,000 records: SOQL is limited to querying a maximum of 50,000 records at a time. If you need to query more than 50,000 records, you’ll need to use batch processing.
  • You cannot update or delete records using SOQL

SOQL Advantages

  • Optimized for Salesforce: SOQL is optimized for Salesforce, which means that queries are faster and more efficient than SQL queries.
  • Native support for Salesforce-specific features: SOQL has native support for Salesforce-specific features like custom objects, fields, and relationships. This means that you can easily query this data without having to write complex queries.
  • Supports related objects: SOQL supports querying data from related objects, which means that you can easily retrieve data from multiple objects in a single query.

Frequently Asked Questions

How does SOQL differ from SQL?

SOQL is the Salesforce Object Query Language used to query Salesforce data. It is similar to SQL, but it has some differences. One of the main differences is that SOQL is designed to work with Salesforce objects, whereas SQL is a general-purpose language that can work with any database. SOQL also has some limitations, such as not supporting certain types of joins or subqueries.

What types of joins does SOQL support?

SOQL supports two types of joins: inner joins and outer joins. Inner joins are used to return only the records that have matching values in both tables. Outer joins, on the other hand, are used to return all the records from one table and the matching records from the other table. SOQL does not support other types of joins, such as cross joins or self-joins.

Can you use SQL in Salesforce?

Salesforce does not support the use of SQL directly. However, you can use external tools or APIs to connect to Salesforce and query data using SQL. Salesforce also provides a tool called Salesforce Connect that allows you to connect to external databases and query data using SQL.

What is the difference between SQL and Salesforce?

SQL is a general-purpose language used to query data from any database, while Salesforce is a cloud-based CRM platform used to manage customer data. Salesforce has its own query language called SOQL, which is used to query data from Salesforce objects.

What is SOQL query in Salesforce?

SOQL query is a query language used to retrieve data from Salesforce objects. It is similar to SQL, but it is designed to work with Salesforce objects. You can use SOQL to retrieve data from a single object or from multiple objects that have a relationship.

How to use SQL in Salesforce?

To use SQL in Salesforce, you can use external tools or APIs to connect to Salesforce and query data using SQL. You can also use Salesforce Connect to connect to external databases and query data using SQL. However, it is important to note that Salesforce recommends using SOQL instead of SQL to query Salesforce data.