How To Reset a Salesforce User’s Password [Screenshots]

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Jerome Clatworthy

Certified Salesforce Administrator

Follow these simple steps to reset the password of a Salesforce User. It is a very simple process that should only take you one minute if you are already sitting at your computer.


To reset User Passwords you will need ‘Reset User Passwords’ permissions. Read more here.

1. Access Setup

Log in to your Salesforce account and choose the gear icon in the top right-hand corner of your screen to access Setup. Then select Setup.

Screenshot of Salesforce with Gear icon highlighted.
Enter Salesforce Setup

2. Navigate to the User Management Section

Type “users” into the quick-find search box on the left-hand side. Select Users from the Users section in the menu (I know – I just typed ‘users’ a lot in one sentence…).

Screenshot of Setup menu in Salesforce with User management section highlighted.
Type ‘users’ in the Quick Find box

RELATED RESOURCE: Salesforce User Management

3. Option 1- Reset From the List of Users

Once you see the list of users, you can select the checkbox next to their name and then choose Reset Password.

Screenshot of 'All Users' list in Salesforce with 'Reset Password' button highlighted.
Reset user passwords from the user list

4. Option 2 – Reset Password From The User Profile Page

The other way to reset a Salesforce user password is to open the profile of the user and choose Reset Password from the top of the screen.

Screenshot of Salesforce user profile with 'Reset Password' button highlighted.
Reset a user password from the user profile view

5. Salesforce Password Reset Confirmation

Once you have elected to reset the password, a prompt will appear ensuring that this is the requested course of action. If you select OK, the reset will take place, and you will be taken to a confirmation page.

Screenshot of password reset confirmation in Salesforce.
Confirm password reset
Screenshot of password reset completion message in Salesforce.
Password reset confirmation message