How To Freeze a Salesforce User [Screenshots]

Photo of author
Jerome Clatworthy

Certified Salesforce Administrator

Freezing a Salesforce user’s access means that the user cannot log in to your organization’s Salesforce account.

Though they still have a license attached to their profile, and they have not been deactivated, they will be ‘locked out’ of Salesforce, until you ‘Unfreeze’ them.

Why Would I Want Or Need to Freeze a Salesforce User’s Access?

There are a variety of valid reasons that you may want to freeze a Salesforce user’s access including:

  • Fear that the user has had their cybersecurity compromised
  • Fear that a user has bad intentions and is a ‘risk’ to your Org
  • The user will be deactivated, but you need to adjust a custom hierarchy before deactivation can occur
  • Want to block access while a user is on extended leave

Freezing a user’s access is a quick and easy way to protect your organization’s data and prevent unauthorized access.

When you Freeze a user, their data and records remain in the system, and their existing license allocation remains, but they cannot access the system.

If you need to re-assign the license of a user that has had their account frozen, you will not be able to do so, until the user has been deactivated.

How To Freeze a Salesforce User’s Account [Screenshots]


You will need the ‘Manage Users’ permission in order to freeze a Salesforce User account.

1. Access Setup

Log in to your Salesforce account and click the ‘Gear’ icon in the top right-hand corner of your screen to access Setup. Then click ‘Setup’.

Screenshot of Saleforce with gear icon in top right hand side of screen hilighted.
Open Salesforce Setup

2. Navigate to the User Management Section

Type ‘Users’ into the quick-find search box on the left-hand side. Select ‘Users’ from the ‘Users’ section in the menu. (I know – I just typed ‘users’ a lot in one sentence…)

Screenshot of Salesfoce Setup menu with 'Users' highlighted from the setup menu.
Open the User Management section

RELATED RESOURCE: Salesforce User Management

3. Open the Relevant User Profile

Click on the name, or alis, or username of the user you want to freeze.

Screenshot of the Salesforce user list, and a single name from the list is highlighted.
Open the user profile you need to freeze

4. Choose ‘Freeze’

Screenshot of a Salesforce user profile with the 'Freeeze' button highlighted.
Select the Freeze button

Once you click Freeze, Salesforce will immediately lock the account so that the user can no longer log in. It won’t ask you for confirmation, and you don’t need to ‘Save’ the change. You just need to click ‘Freeze’.

Once Salesforce has enacted the freeze you will see the button change to ‘Unfreeze’ and clicking that will have the opposite effect of immediately restoring the previous level of access.

Screenshot of frozen Salesforce user profile with the 'Unfreeze' button highlighted.
You can Unfreeze if needed