How To Deactivate a Salesforce User [Screenshots]

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Jerome Clatworthy

Certified Salesforce Administrator

Proactively deactivating users in Salesforce who no longer need access to the system is an important aspect of Salesforce user management because of its impact on data security and access control.

Whether someone has left your organization, changed roles in your organization, or even taken extended leave – it is important to continually monitor your list of active users and ensure that only people who actively need access to your Salesforce Org, have access to your Salesforce Org.

Why You Should Proactively Deactivate Salesforce Users Who No Longer Need Access

The two main reasons you should proactively deactivate users who no longer need access to your Salesforce Org are data security and the financial cost.

Data Security

Depending on the access levels each of your Salesforce users have (based on allocated user roles and profiles), your users have access to the details of accounts and contacts on your system, as well as information about business processes and potentially sensitive communications.

Each user that has access to that information has the capacity to do bad things to and with that data (accidentally, or on purpose).

Though there is no way to avoid this risk completely, you can drastically reduce that risk by ensuring that people you no longer need access to your system, are de-activated.

RELATED RESOURCE: Salesforce User Management

Licensing Costs

Each Salesforce user license comes at a cost, so every user on your system who is not actively using the Salesforce Org is taking a license away from someone who does need the system.

If you have surplus licenses to your needs, then proactively deactivating users could reveal a potential cost saving to you could explore at your next contract renewal by decreasing the number of licenses you pay for each year.

How To Deactivate Salesforce User


You will need the ‘Manage Users’ permission to be able to deactivate a Salesforce user.

To deactivate a user in your Salesforce org, follow these steps:

1. Access Setup

Log in to your Salesforce account and select the gear icon in the top right-hand corner of your screen to access Setup. Then select Setup.

Screenshot of gear icon in Saleforce UI to open the Setup Area.
Open Salesforce Setup

2. Navigate to the User Management Section

Type ‘Users’ into the quick-find search box on the left-hand side. Select ‘Users’ from the ‘Users’ section in the menu. (I know – I just typed ‘users’ a lot in one sentence…)

Screenshot of Salesforce Setup quick find box opening the User Management section.
Type ‘users’ into the Quick Find box

3. Open the Relevant User Profile

Select Edit next to the name of the Salesforce user you need to deactivate.

Screenshot of Salesforce User listing with 'Edit' link highlighted.
Edit the user to deactivate

4. Deselect ‘Active’ Checkbox

Deselect the ‘Active’ checkbox by clicking on it with your mouse, then press save to confirm the changes you made.

Screen shot of Salesforce user profile with 'Active' checkbox and 'Save' button highlighted.
Deselect the ‘Active’ checkbox

5. Confirm Deactivation

An alert will appear confirming you understand the implications of de-activating a user. Click ‘OK’ to proceed with the deactivation.

Screenshot of Salesfore User deactivation dialogue box.
Confirm deactivation

6. Double Check The User Is Now Inactive

View the user in the list, and check their ‘Active’ checkbox is empty, to confirm that the deactivation was successful.

Screent shot of Salesforce user list and 'Active' box unchecked confirming sucessful user deactivation.
Confirmation deactivation succeeded